The 2025 season is upon us, and we look forward to another successful year of golf news.

Our goal is to keep reporting on local courses within the Chicago South Suburbs and NWI that are under $50, with the emphasis on under $40.

If your group is planning a road trip or outing, we're happy to promote those courses that support our Veteran Community on our event page a forth coming Veteran Support page. Speaking of veteran's, the word is that this is the last year for the Odyssey Veterans Foundation as we know it. Folds of Honor will be taking over next year, and you can bet there WON'T be a $15 green fee with them. If you'd like to join for this year, Click HERE.

We have placed a few Stay/Play resorts on the 'Road Trip' page and some have prices that are livable for get-a-way time. 


NOTE:  As of January 1, the State of Illinois is now applying the rental tax of 9% to cart rentals.

We've added a couple of new links on the 'Of Interest' page that you may find interesting.

If you look below you see, we still have the glove sizing guide, the woods/irons conversion guide, and the video on compression rating.